Writers! We are so close I can taste it!

Outlines are done, plot holes have been mended, stories have been titled! Now what?

Well, my dear readers, just for you I have compiled a list of some of my favorite writing, inspirational and/or NaNoWriMo inspired websites. I hope you find this helpful.



You might think this is obvious, but if it’s not let me tell you why I recommend it. I know a few writers who aren’t doing NaNoWriMo through the website. I understand that. This is the first year I actually registered and everything. The reason, for me, was because I wanted something to keep me in line. A visible goal that I can feel like I accomplished by plugging into the computer every day. Something that I can feel proud of myself for daily. A physical mark of my success as opposed to just the mental rewards. I personally work better on deadlines so I gave it a shot. Also, the NaNoWriMo website will have weekly motivational speeches from published authors as well as an archive of pep talks from past NaNoWriMo published authors. This year features authors such as Patrick Rothfuss, James Patterson and Rainbow Rowell.



For authors that want to work under the deadline of a month to do 50,000 words in a month that is not November.



If you are on Reddit try visiting the nanowrimo subreddit. People ask questions, find buddies to work with and motivate one another, talk about their processes and all other manner of things related to the month long challenge. There is also r/writing for general writing advice, critiques on your work and other such things. If you like either of those check out other subreddits in that category by searching for subreddits using the keyword writing or writers.



I really liked this blog post on getting ready in the last couple of days before NaNoWriMo. Advice like “clean your apartment” and “warn people” that hadn’t occurred to me before.


Rainy Mood

I love this site. It is just a site where you can listen to rain. Pair the rain with music or just listen to the storm as you write. Rain and thunder is soothing and can put me in a good place creativity wise.


Neil Gaiman’s Journal

This won’t be a link for everyone but let me make my case. Whenever I read something Neil has written in his journal I feel a surge of creativity. I don’t always know what to do channel that creativity into but sometimes it gives me just the boost I need to write those next thousand words. My boyfriend watches interviews or live concerts from his favorite musicians when he is stuck on a song he is writing. What might help you is to think of someone you admire-really admire- for one reason or another and read what they have to say on…anything. Whether it be writing or the fine art of coffee brewing, if it inspires you it inspires you. Use that.


 Neil Gaiman’s “Make Good Art” Speech

I have linked to this before and I will link to this again. This fills my soul to brimming with joy when I listen to it and I will listen to it over and over again, especially when I am feeling discouraged. Some of my favorite highlights of the speech were made into a comic you can view here. Things to keep you going such as “Husband runs off with a politician? Make good art. Leg is crushed and then eaten by a mutated boa constrictor? Make good art” It’s a good way to spend twenty minutes to get out of your head and remember why you write. Laugh, get teary eyed, and then get back at your keyboard and finish that chapter.

Don’t Forget My Own Blog Post on Breaking Writers Block!

Shameless self promotion? Perhaps partially. But I really do stand by what I wrote (I did write it after all) and have been told by some of my readers on my other blog it was helpful. So if you haven’t read it, go check it out. It might help you too.


Some words of wisdom from Stephen King

Some good things to keep in mind when you are writing. This is short and sweet, summarized from Stephen King’s “On Writing” book. It’s easy to get caught up in what we are doing as writers. Too easy to give in to our own brains and ignore that the process is just as important as the writing

And Finally,

Amanda Palmer’s “The Art of Asking” TED talk

I honestly could not tell you why I find that inspiring. It doesn’t really apply to the writing field except in a very broad view with a lot of leaps of faith having to be drawn, but I do find it inspiring and so I am sharing it with you.


I hope you enjoyed this. If you have your own ways you stay inspired when you find yourself crashing before hitting your daily word count, share them with me in the comments. And if you liked this, don’t forget to follow!






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